Friday, September 3, 2010

Maria's Special Day

Hannah Toriumi and Stephanie Helena Larkin booked a special private session with me to develop their on-camera skills. The girls did a great job. Here they are in a scene that they shot over the course of an afternoon. Congratulations, ladies.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Now Booking

This advanced class on blocking and staging for camera will provide you with the critical technical skills to develop as a working performer. Times TBA. Booked in Three (3) Hour Blocks per film. Each performer will shoot ONE selected scene from the MM Scripts 1 - 8. The performers will receive professional and direct feedback from Julian Grant and complete filming a complete scene.

Contact me today to book your session.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Screening tonight in Chicago

Will be premiering six new films tonight. Over an hour of new scene work and actor-driven performance. It's always very gratifying to see the actors as they get a chance to watch themselves on a big screen. The nuance of film performance becomes obvious as they understand how much different it is from the stage.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Summer 2010

Look for six new Summer workshops to be uploaded here over the next few days. These are my latest Masterclass students and done a super job. All filmed scenes are shot to teach the actors how to work to camera and understand the mechanics of filmmaking. I love working with new talent and seeing the lightbulbs come on for them.